Day 11 - Polishing and more polishing


-Honestly its a lot of small updates. Mostly glitches.

-Big glitch, I did a dumb and referenced screen size for where to spawn obstacles. This is dumb because different monitors caused delayed      arrows at best and missing ground items and worst because they were spawning 2000 pixels away.

-Small glitch, game would lose audio if you did a weird combo of menu presses.

-update (There is one I swear) Audio menu added so you can adjust master, effects and music levels.

-More audio cues added to help with longer runs for better reaction.

- There's more, but I'm tired of typing. And the rest is small fixes like not having three different scripts cue the same audio at the same               time....

-Worked on the rhythm section of the game, still doesn't exist but hey, maybe soon.

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